Wednesday, January 18, 2006

New Talent: Megan McCauley (Wind-Up)

This isn’t so much a review, as a preview of an amazing new talent on the rock/pop scene. You might have come across her songs on the Elektra and Fantastic Four soundtracks (both also released through Wind-Up Records). With the catchy hooks of Avril Lavigne and Evanescence – minus the ‘Goth’, backed up by a heavier guitar sound and a massive chorus that will get your blood flowing, “Die For You” is the perfect pop/rock song. Its somewhat darker subject matter is also another boon.

The only other tracks I’ve managed to get a hold of were “Reverie” (a softer, sad crooning number) and “Wonder” (another soaring chorus, coupled with a grungy, smokey verse). If you were after a female singer who doesn’t sound like a waif – something that is increasingly prevalent in the rock and metal genres, then Megan’s strong, powerful and sometimes forceful vocals should go a long way to pleasing you.

Her delayed debut album should be out sometime in early 2006. Something to keep an ear open for.

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