Oh bloody hell. See, this is why heavy PR on rock and metal sites should be treated with a pinch of trepidation. Advance cuts from their self-titled debut sounded incredibly promising (specifically, “Walk Away”), but the album comes across as a little… confused.
First of all, “Revolution” is simply the worst album opener in the history of hard rock. It’s terrible! It sounds like a reject from the arse-end of the NĂ¼-Metal days, with pseudo-angst and terrible “heavy” vocals (i.e. caterwauling) really made me think I’d wasted my money. Things improved, but the shadow of this first track never left my mind. It’s especially odd as this style of screamed vocals only creeps in once more towards the end of the record – you don’t have to scream, just because you’re in a rock band…
“Perfect” shows the band’s softer side, and is actually one of the best tracks on here. “Falling” and “Addicted” are other good songs.
Overall, though, this album is lacking something to really make it stand out, something to give it a unique identity. Perhaps with time, the band will grow into a sound they can claim as truly their own.

“Perfect” shows the band’s softer side, and is actually one of the best tracks on here. “Falling” and “Addicted” are other good songs.
Overall, though, this album is lacking something to really make it stand out, something to give it a unique identity. Perhaps with time, the band will grow into a sound they can claim as truly their own.

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