The perfect production and huge sound make this stand above lesser Black Metal bands, who often suffice with sub-standard production because it is more underground - despite sometimes making their records sound like complete garbage, regardless of initial song-writing quality.
The variation on this album is another facet of its greatness; from the pounding opening bars of "Now, Diabolical" to the delicate piano and clean and choral vocals on "The Pentagram Burns".
Ferocity and speed have been pared back a little, Frost (drums) claiming that it doesn't have to be fast to be heavy. He's spot on. Take just the first two tracks "Now, Diabolical" and instantly likeable "K.I.N.G.", and you'll hear crushing musicianship with huge hooks, without any reduction in weight.
Satyricon have produced an easily accesible, yet resolutely furious album that should open them up to a whole horde of new acolytes. Varied, yet distinctly a cohesive body of work. Gloriously unique and black to the core.
Commercial Black Metal - stick it in your dictionaries now.
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